This costume was actually designed for a human toddler! It was about Max's size and oh so cute, we had to get it! We actually had to perform surgery on this costume to customize it for Max... you know, since he doesn't walk upright and he has rather gi-normous ears and we haven't gotten around to train him to zip down to take a leak yet!
Can you tell what he is? Lemme give you a hint, that spotted black and white thing around his neck is a cow bell! It is a cow bell that I bought when we were at the Ben and Jerry's factory while touring Vermont leaf peeping! Actually, when we purchased the costume, we didn't look closely enough and we thought it was a cow costume! It is actually a pinto horse costume! This costume was much cuter than the actual cow costume which is black and white. I think these colors are much better for him and the mane is just too cute to pass up!
Here are some pictures of our competitors! Max drew a lot of attention because his cow bell was rather loud. Every move he made, it would go ding-ding-ding! It was hilarious!
So in summary... through the power of Walmart and good 'ole asian ingenuity, we WON with our hybrid horse-cow costume! We took the "Most fitting Corgie costume" award! You know, since corgis are herding dogs for sheep and such.
Finally, after gaining fame and fortune (a pack of dingo rawhide bones!) from his glorious win, a groupie Corgi dressed as a fairy offers herself to the Maximus!!! Too bad he got his dog-hood chopped months ago... but don't tell her that!
Max they dressed you up like a spotted dog and called you a cow!! Bite Max Bite!
So...did Maxie take the fairy up on her offer??
Oops - never mind. It just struck me what "dog-hood" meant. Poor, poor Maxie. Of all the words of mice and men...and snipped corgis.
haha!! that's pretty funny. If it weren't for the costumes, I don't think I would be able to tell Max apart from the other Corgs.
Didn't even occur to me that it was anything but a moo cow! The brown spots are actually rather cool, distinctive from the usual black moo spots.
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