The picture below demonstrates the expressiveness of his ears! Not sure what was going on to cause this fearful expression. I have noticed that he often pulls his ear down when he approaches strangers or other dogs in a submissive, shy, but friendly manner... hopefully, all those combined adjectives make sense. I think basically he loves to meet new people and dogs... especially kids. However, he also gets a bit shy and nervous when meeting strange new people and pretty much all dogs.
The way he pulls his ears down is also something he does when he is running really fast! It is really cute! His ears are so big now that he often catch the wind and so when he's running, he'll pull them down to provide him with an aerodynamic head! It actually makes him look like he is running 90 MPH!
We took Max to a track this weekend at a local university and met up with a couple of friends there and we all ran around the track in a group and Max followed running along! He is definitely a speedy little guy and when he really wants to run fast, he kind of runs like a bunny!
These very professional looking photos were taken at the track by my old friend Connie! Thanks Connie!

how old is he as of today?
Max is just about 3 months old. He was born December 13, 2006.
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